How to maximize your benefits with your Medicare Entitlement – 10/17/2020 Interview “Successful Living Show”

Listen to the latest interview with our Medicare Expert, Mike Alexander Sr.   Find out how you or your loved ones can receive the most benefits from your Medicare Entitlement   –  CLICK HERE to listen  “Successful Living Show” with Bill Knapik and Mike Alexander Sr.   If you or someone you know needs help with their Medicare […]

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How to Prepare for a FLOOD

Image of Flood

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by planning ahead.  For Information regarding FLOOD INSURANCE, CLICK HERE or visit • Are you in a flash-flood prone area? Contact the local county geologist or county planning department to find out if your home is located in a flash-flood-prone area or landslide-prone area. • Make a […]

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5 Creative Ways to use Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Insurance. One of the more boring products out there but also one of the most essential, especially in a privately-held business — even more importantly, in a business that is growing. Here are five creative ways life insurance impacts a growing, closely-held enterprise. 1. Key man insurance This is the one use for life insurance […]

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What You Need To Know About Medicare Fall Open Enrollment

What you may not know about the Fall Open Enrollment could be costly for the following coverage year!   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MEDICARE STARTER KIT – Click Here Fall Open Enrollment also referred to as the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) runs from October 15 through December 7th  each year. During this time, you can make changes to […]

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Popular Questions About Your 2020 Medicare Drug Coverage

Question: If I only use one brand-name drug that costs $375 and has a $47 copay, will I enter the 2020 Donut Hole? Yes, in November. If your retail drug costs average $375 a month, you will exceed your Medicare plan’s $4,020 Initial Coverage Limit in late-November and enter the 2020 Donut Hole. Remember, your […]

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Does your Business need Cyber Business Interuption

Doctor Insurance

written by Asaf Lifshitz, in the July 6, 2020 edition of The Insurance Journal. According to the IBM “Cost of a Data Breach Report, 2019”, business interruption (BI) represents 36% of the cost of a cyber breach, averaging a whopping $1.42 million per breach. The report states that, for the last four years, lost business […]

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IT’S HERE!!!! – Tis the Season.

Anyone that has lived along the Gulf Coast knows…. Summer means 1.) Heat, 2.) Sporadic Rains and 3.) Hurricane Season. The damage caused by a Tropical Storm, Tropical Depression, and/or Hurricane can be devastating. In area in Texas and Louisiana, it is common for many, specific, areas to flood however, as recent storms have proven, […]

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Let’s Help Each Other during this time of Need!

As our office works to service the needs of our clients, we routinely hear about clients, friends, neighbors and colleagues losing their jobs. Some have been furloughed to return when their business reopens or rebounds but others have witnessed their positions dissolved, deemed not necessary. Maybe someone you know is struggling. A single mother or […]

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SAFECO Gives Back – Personal Auto Insurance Customer Relief Refund

Taking care of our customers, is a top priority for ABM Insurance & Benefits Services and Safeco. Safeco recognizes the uncertainty and financial challenges many of our joint customers are facing as the nation bands together to slow the spread of the coronavirus. To help Safeco customers, they have taken the following actions: PERSONAL AUTO […]

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