HEALTH INSURANCE OPEN ENROLLMENT – 2019 Important Dates to know If you receive your Health Insurance Coverage through the Individual Market Place for Medicare or coverage for under 65 years of age, there are important dates you need to know. The 2019 Open Enrollment Period runs from Thursday, November 1, 2018, to Saturday,December 15, 2018. If […]
Read MoreWhy are you overpaying for your health coverage?

Why are you overpaying for your health coverage? As an independent insurance agency that specializes in providing clients with the best value for their health care coverage, we are always on the look out for NEW and INNOVATIVE products that will provide value to our clients. We are working with a COOPERATIVE that has enhanced […]
Read MoreFlood Insurance Offers a tremendous value and peace of mind

Flood Insurance Offers a tremendous value and peace of mind If you lived in Texas or Louisiana the past couple of years, you have been affected by Flooding. Wither you experienced a direct loss or know someone that had, we can all attest to the devastation and disruption these storms have caused. Watching the news, […]
Read MoreWhat? We need to start Preparing for Hurricane Season Already?

We hope we never see another disaster like Harvey again.
Many of our Family, Friends, Clients in our community lost everything. Flash floods are the most common natural disaster in Texas.
Most home and commercial policies do not cover flood damage. You’ll need a separate flood policy, usually from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). These flood insurance policies typically have a 30-day waiting period before coverage takes effect.
Read MoreMaking Healthcare Affordable Again!
Our practice has worked with clients for the past 30 years, providing viable solutions for financing their healthcare cost through risk transfer (insurance), Discounted medical services and general advocacy. We have been working with a local Physician Patient Cooperative that is working to help solve the healthcare crisis in our country. A Physician Patient Cooperative is a group of medical providers that form an association for the purposes of providing medical care to the members that participate.
As long as you receive direct medical care from a PPC provider, there is little, if any additional cost, other than the membership fee. This works for Doctors, Labs, Imaging and other basic services. When combing the PPC with a catastrophic hospitalization plan, we are able to offer our clients an affordable alternative for healthcare that was not previously available to them.
The cost for the PPC is $109 / month and with a limited Hospital plan, the monthly cost can be as low as $179 / month. If you would like to see if the PPC is a viable option for you individually or your company, call Crystal Calaway at 281-448-3040 or click here
Read MoreGot the Message?
This was the head line on the first page of the Houston Chronicle (click here for the full article). “Got the message? Buy flood insurance”, written by Mihir Zaveri in the April 11th 2018 edition. Harris county is planning a massive billboard campaign, aimed at making Houston and surrounding area residents aware of the need for flood insurance. Hurricane Harvey, devastated our city and 83% of the 1.4 million buildings lacked flood insurance, according to Zaveri.
Read MoreDo you think your teen would use an app that offers a chance to win gift cards if they avoid using their phone while driving?
Do you think your teen would use an app that offers a chance to win gift cards if they avoid using their phone while driving? It’s called TrueMotion Mojo, an app that can help and it’s free. I’ve used it and it’s actually kind of fun.
Breaking News! Changes is Law allow small employers to reimburse employees for Individual Insurance Plans using a HRA.
In the past, only traditional Group Insurance Plans qualified for pre-tax savings. However, changes in the health insurance law are now allowing employers to provide a tax savings plan for their employees that have individual health insurance coverage. As an employer with less than 50 full time employees, group healthcare may not be an […]
Read MoreCoupon for Tamiflu is here.
Tamilflu and Generic “Oseltamivir” has released a coupon via Good RX
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