Is Your Home Protected Against Devastating Flooding?

Don’t wait until the weather forecast calls for prolonged heavy rains before buying flood insurance. While this practical insurance can be purchased anytime, the policy does not take effect for 30 days. As the most common natural disaster in the country, flooding ruins millions of dollars of homes and property every year. Even so, flooding […]

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Safety Incentive Programs -Do They Really Work?

The practice of rewarding or paying employees for not having workplace accidents is controversial.  With hopes of reducing costly workers’ compensation claims and improving the safety culture of their organization, companies are increasingly implementing safety incentive programs. Professionals who support safety incentives believe they can be a healthy component of an existing safety program, to […]

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Make Certain to Insure the Finer Things in Life

Do you own high value insurables such as coin collections, jewelry, furs, and collectibles? If so, it may be wise to develop a well-thought out strategy regarding the risk of loss or damage to the finer things in your home.  Most homeowner’s policies limit the amount of coverage for luxury items, and an additional specialized […]

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Understanding Enterprise Risk Management as an Approach to Manage and Capitalize on Risks

The concept of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has received increased attention in recent years as a fundamental shift in the way companies approach risk.  ERM is an all-encompassing approach to risk management and this can often make implementing ERM seem overwhelming.   To make the process more palatable, the Commission of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway […]

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Why Condo Owners Need Insurance

If you own a condominium, you may think you don’t need insurance protection. Think again. Although your condominium association offers a “master” insurance policy that covers the building and commonly owned property, this insurance probably does not protect your upgrades, furnishings and other belongings. That means if a burglar breaks into your condo, a fire […]

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Start a Safety Committee to Increase the Effectiveness of Your Safety Program

If employees don’t feel involved and represented in their company’s safety program, it is unlikely the program will be successful.  A workplace safety committee is a tool that, if created and conducted properly, can increase the effectiveness of a safety program by: Providing structure and assigning responsibility for carrying out a workplace safety program; Enhancing […]

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After the Accident – Working with the At-Fault Driver’s Insurer

You have just emerged from a car accident, but the good news is that you are not at fault. Now comes the task of successfully dealing with the other driver’s insurance company. In order to begin, you must collect certain details at the site of the accident from the at-fault driver: their name, address and […]

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There’s Nothing Old Fashioned About Preventing Loss

As a child you probably remember your grandmother always telling you, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” You had no way of knowing it at the time, but this advice was giving you the basic premise for a successful loss prevention program.  Preventing loss before it happens will have the single […]

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Immediate Steps to Take After an Auto Accident

A car accident is always traumatic for any driver. Even if the damages are relatively minor, and both parties are uninjured, you may find yourself panicking over what to do next. There are important steps to take following any crash, no matter how severe. Since car accidents involve insurance companies, both drivers need to collect […]

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Recognize the Common Culprits of Safety Program Failure

There are several common, identifiable reasons why safety programs fail.  By being aware of these potential barriers to the success of your safety program, you can modify your program to guard against them.  Commonly culprits of safety programs failure include: Support from the Top Down When employees don’t perceive their superiors as visibly committed to […]

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