Discourteous Driving Can Be Deadly

Basic decency during driving can seem hard to come by these days. “Road rage” refers to the ability of perfectly sane people to become angry maniacs when behind the wheel of a car. On average, at least fifteen hundred people including men, women and children are killed or injured each year in America due to […]

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Using Insurer Financial Ratings to Choose Your Insurance Carrier

The right to choose is one of our most closely guarded freedoms. But along with that right comes the responsibility of being accountable for the consequences of your choice. If the choice turns out to be a poor one, the consequences can have devastating effects, especially if the decision-making is in a business context. When […]

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IRS Regulations Clarify Employer ACA Reporting Requirements

The IRS issued final regulations in March designed to simplify the employer reporting requirements imposed by the Affordable Care Act. Most importantly, the regulations permit combined reporting for the multiple requirements and simplify reporting where a large employer provides affordable group health coverage, which is of minimum value to almost all of its employees. This […]

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Fish Slapped

In Texas, this poor woman was Fish Slapped by a Catfish!     This is what happens in Texas.   I just hoped she signed up for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) so she can get that treated.  Click below for the story: http://bit.ly/1kAUfnZ

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Parents Shape Teens into Responsible Drivers

Besides graduation day, the day a teenager gets their driver’s license is one of the most important days of their lives. It’s something they’ve looked forward to for years, that feeling of freedom once they hit the open road. Unfortunately, parents don’t always share the same vision. As your child begins to get behind the […]

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Is Your Intellectual Property At Risk?

Intellectual property is the crown jewel of any business, no matter its size. That’s why R&D departments exist and also why companies incur great expense to obtain patents. In fact, the race to innovate has heated up dramatically. But as Tom Aeppel noted in an October 25, 2004 The Wall Street Journal article entitled “Patent […]

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Have You Tested Your Home’s Fire Alarms Lately?

A recent study from the National Fire Protection Agency, or NFPA, found that around 95% of U.S. homes have one or more smoke alarms installed throughout the house. Unfortunately, that same study revealed that the number of homes with nonfunctioning smoke alarms vastly outnumbered the amount of homes with no alarms at all. This shows […]

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Preventing Violence Before It Happens Through Pre-Employment Screening

Violence in the workplace has become an increasingly more common occurrence. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its 2004 report entitled Fatal Occupational Injuries by Event or Exposure, 1998-2003, there were 631 documented workplace homicides in 2003. Workplace homicides are the second leading cause of death in the workplace and they make up […]

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Choosing a Home Improvement Contractor with Confidence

Whether you’re looking to do to some major remodeling or if your home just needs some basic repairs, deciding on a contractor for your home improvement project can be difficult. It’s certainly not a decision you should make in haste. Most homeowner’s insurance policies include four basic types of coverage: * Repairs to the home […]

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Hiring the Disabled: What Are Reasonable Accommodations?

The question of how far an employer must go to accommodate a disabled employee is at the very heart of the Americans With Disabilities Act.  Answering that question starts with understanding the term “reasonable accommodations.” An accommodation is any change in the physical workplace, or in the methodology usually employed to perform a job, that […]

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