Dear Friends,
Our country is going through a crisis unlike anything we have ever experienced. The COVID19 Virus has brought our nation to our knees. I hope everyone is well and remain so during this pandemic. Persian poets summarized the temporary situations experienced within the human condition of life, with the adage, “This too Shall Pass”.
It is encouraging to see Americans pull together in a time of crisis. As an essential service provider, we are proud of insurance carriers and our internal employees, working to help our clients put some normalcy into an abnormal condition. While most of us are working from home, we remain at full staff to assist you.
SPECIAL NOTE: PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE is offering FREE MEALS for TRUCK DRIVERS during this time, through Uber Eats.
As a specialized provider of Employee Benefits, we are witnessing dramatic reductions in employer’s workforce. Through furloughs and layoffs, our clients are being forced to reduce staff and we are being called with numerous benefit questions. Our insurance providers have prepared responses to many of the most ask questions and we have attached on our website. You can review the document by CLICKING HERE.
If you are a business owner or know one that may need assistance during this time, we encourage you to apply for a low interest loan, provided through the Small Business Administration. CLICK HERE or visit www.sba.gov and click on the disaster relief button. The stimulus package, approved through legislation allocates money for small businesses that were affected. Additionally, there are provisions for loan forgiveness.
If you or someone you know was recently let go, please refer them to this site for assistance (CLICK HERE). Special provision were included in the stimulus package for affected workers.
The loss of employment includes a loss of employee benefits (HEALTH INSURANCE). We have received numerous calls from terminated employees that have been let go and have lost the health insurance coverage. In most of the calls we have received, the caller is more concerned with the loss of coverage than the loss of income, which breaks our heart. In Texas, all covered employees are eligible for 9 months of STATE CONTINUATION (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO). If the former employer employed more than 20 employees, the covered employee is entitled to COBRA (18 months of coverage). The former employer may charge up to 102% of the billed premiums for the extended coverage and rules and regulations apply. You can call us with questions at 800-362-2809.
If you are unable to afford the before mentioned options that are available, you can apply for coverage through the Marketplace Exchange. If your income is reduced, you may qualify for a governmental subsidy that will dramatically reduce the cost of the coverage. If you would like to see if you qualify, call our office at 800-362-2809 or visit our website (CLICK HERE) You must apply for coverage within 30 days of losing your coverage.
If you are 65 years of age or older and qualify for Part A and Part B of Medicare, you will want to consider a Medicare Supplement, Part D, and or a Medicare Advantage program. This will provide greater coverage at a fraction of the cost. You can call us at 800-362-2809 or visit our MEDICARE SITE (CLICK HERE).
If you are looking for a temporary solutions that will provide protection for yourself and of family until you return to work, you can consider a Short Term Medical Policy. The rates are much lower than traditional coverage and can be extended for 12 months. We have been referring our friends , family and Clients to this website (CLICK HERE) . We have found that this programs provides exceptional value.
We continue to pray that this situation will end sooner rather than later and that you and your family are well and safe. We are here to help and you do not have to be an existing client to call us for assistance or advice. In this small way, we can contribute to America’s recovery.
Stay Safe and May God Bless America!