A sign of the Times….

Whether you love it or hate it, The Affordable Care Act/Obamacare (ACA) is the law of our land.    As of this writing, nothing has been established to repeal, replace or otherwise alter the current law.

It should not be a surprise to anyone that our individual insurance market place is in jeopardy of collapse.   The ACA has established laws that make Individual Health Insurance actuarially unsound with mandates that have restricted insurance companies from making the business of health insurance profitable again.

It is important to distinguish Healthcare from Health Insurance.   Healthcare is the services provided by licensed providers.   Health Insurance is the business of predicting healthcare cost for a demographic / population.   You can receive Healthcare without Health Insurance and even if all Insurance Companies disappear, Healthcare will be offered.  

As a business, the Health Insurance Industry seeks to make a profit by charging more for the insurance than they pay in claims.    Unfortunately, the removal of pre-existing condition exclusions and “Guarantee Insurability” has changed health insurance into a healthcare payment system where expenses are no longer predictable or manageable.   Claim cost have exceeded premiums and governmental subsidies have been withheld.  As with any business, losses have created insolvency.   

With the uncertain outcome of Individual Health Insurance and with mounting losses incurred by Insurance companies, we will see even more Insurance Carriers withdrawal from the market.   Aetna announced today that it has made a decision to withdrawal from the Individual Marketplace

What does this mean:   If you are currently insured by Aetna or Coventry under their Individual Insurance Plan(s), you will lose coverage, effective 12/31/2017.   We hope there will be options available during open enrollment however, we must wait to determine which carrier will remain in the market and what plans will be offered.


f you are a current health insurance client with our agency and insured under an Aetna plan, we will provide you with options prior to the termination date.     If you are not a current client and would like to discuss your options, please call our Health Insurance Department to discuss your family’s options.

Contact Crystal Calaway at 281-448-3040 or go online at www.getagreatquote.com