Well, if you reside in Texas and were enrolled on an individual insurance plan (on or off the market exchange), you are probably losing your current plan and transitioned to a new plan. If you were insured on a PPO plan (click here for definitions), you are losing your plan and offered a HMO / EPO option…… for most this will mean less benefits at a higher cost.
Your physician may not accept the new plan you are being transitioned to and it is important that you contact your doctor to find out what plans they will accept. MD Anderson is not accepting any HMO / EPO plans on the exchange and if you receive care at or by an MD Anderson provider, you will need to change your provider or change your insurance plan.
If you must have a PPO plan, we do have one available off the exchange and we are currently enrolling for 01/01/2016 effective dates. It is currently the only PPO available and continues to offer Out of Network Benefits.
If you or someone you know is needs help with the Individual Insurance Market Place, they can contact us at 800-362-2809 or visit us at www.getagreatquote.com.